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Vectors aren't really necessary to understand physics but they're really cool and simplify understanding of a lot of problems enormously. Without vectors mathematical descriptions are much more cumbersome. A vector is something with both a magnitude and a direction. It is often thought of as an arrow like so: tex2html_wrap_inline1628 . The length of the arrow is its magnitude, and obviously the direction that its pointing is the direction (duh). You can define operations on vectors analogous to the addition of regular (real) numbers. You can add and subtract vectors, and there are two common ways of multiplying them together.

Vectors are most commonly notated in books by using bold face. A vector named ``A" would be notated tex2html_wrap_inline1630 to distinguish it from a regular real number. When writing vectors, it is common to represent it by placing a little arrow right over the top of the letter (e.g. tex2html_wrap_inline1632 ).

As I just said, it's nice to think about a vector as being an arrow, having a magnitude (the length of the arrow) and a direction. Two vectors (e.g. tex2html_wrap_inline1634 and tex2html_wrap_inline1634 ) that have the same length and go in the same direction are equal, even if they don't start off at the same point in space, as with the two arrows above. However they are different if either their magnitudes or directions differ (e.g. tex2html_wrap_inline1634 and tex2html_wrap_inline1628 .

From a mathematical point of view, its good to represent vectors by real numbers and that's what we'll talk about now.

Joshua Deutsch
Mon Jan 6 00:05:26 PST 1997