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The strategy we'll take to solve this problem is to write down the two equations that describe the coordinates of the monkey and projectile and then set then equal. We set the coordinates equal because that means the the projectile and the monkey have collided. This will tell us what condition tex2html_wrap_inline1966 must satisfy in order to hit the monkey.

OK, so let's write down the two equations:




Now let's set these equations equal. Notice that the tex2html_wrap_inline1974 terms cancel. So the acceleration (i.e. gravity) cancels out completely. So at this point there are two ways to proceed

  1. Well if gravity doesn't matter, just take it to be zero from the beginning. The monkey could be in deep space where there is no gravity. If it tries to drop now, it will discover that it's not dropping. So if you aim directly at the monkey, you'll be bound to hit it!
  2. Let's look at the equation we get: tex2html_wrap_inline1976 . That says that the vectors tex2html_wrap_inline1978 and tex2html_wrap_inline1980 have the same direction. So if Z wants to hit the monkey, the gun should be pointed directly at it.

Either way you see that Z will hit the monkey by aiming directly at it, despite the fact that it is falling. The point is that the decrease in height due to gravity is exactly the same for both objects, tex2html_wrap_inline1974 , despite the fact the bullet is going much faster than the monkey. So gravity is irrelevant to the relative position of two objects in free fall.

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Joshua Deutsch
Mon Jan 6 00:05:26 PST 1997