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Now we have the moment of inertia of a spherical shell, we can sum up all these shells to get what it is for solid sphere. This is a lot like the example of the disk.

So what's the mass dm of a shell of inner radius r and outer radius r+dr? Call the density tex2html_wrap_inline805 . Then tex2html_wrap_inline807 . What's the volume dV? It's the surface area of a sphere of radius r times dr. The surface area of a sphere is tex2html_wrap_inline815 so


And from the last example, that tex2html_wrap_inline817 . So the moment of inertia is


Let's write tex2html_wrap_inline805 in terms of the M and R. The volume a sphere is tex2html_wrap_inline825 , so


Plugging that in to the formula for I




Joshua Deutsch
Wed Jan 22 17:07:34 PST 1997